Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter 2 or maybe it's 5

Hello friends,

It's been a while since I've posted here. Do you remember the Veggie Tales song "I'm so busy, so busy..." Well I know its a cliche, but I am. Goodness!

Some of you know that I've been looking for a full time job for over two years. Deadlines were approaching. I had already sold my car and put my house up for sale when "surprise!" God blessed me with a full time job at the very same library where I work already. It's a long story and maybe I'll share it someday, but suffice it to say A LOT of things happened that were could not have been orchestrated by me or any one human.

Consequently, I am working full time as of Sept. 4th and I am having to learn how to get things done in a lot less time than I ever have before. I will welcome any hints you have about how to cut corners and get everything done that you need to get done. I have to say, I don't know how single mom's with small children get things done. I am so thankful I only had to work part time when my children were small.

I've got a garage sale coming up so I'm off to "organize" the chaos in hopes that someone will take it off my hands.

Until next time,

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