Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Have you ever put something off for so long you find it impossible to start? Well, I've been wanting to post here, but I haven't had any cool pictures so I haven't posted....even words.

I just tried to upload a picture and I clicked on the whole album. I'm sure you've never done that. So...I'm sitting here waiting for the album to load so I can select a picture I do want to upload.

I guess I'll go over to Bloglovin' and catch up with my favorite bloggers.

Until next time,


  1. Hi Clara,,

    its Sonny from the book club.. thanks so much for visting me and leaving such a sweet comment.

    I followed you back:)

  2. I know just how you feel, Clara. I sometimes think what is a technologically challenged person like me doing with a blog? On top of that, inspiration hits when it hits, and if it's a stressful time, it doesn't even step up to the plate! Oh well, I saw something on Pinterest that said, "Blog what you live, don't live to blog". Pretty good advice, I thought.
